Recently, I bought the Behringer XR16, a digital rack mixer that offers a lot of flexibility for live sound mixing and recording. Unlike traditional mixers, the XR16 is controlled entirely via software, using a tablet, phone, or computer over WiFi or Ethernet. While this provides a lot of freedom, I prefer having quick access to functions like adjusting the master volume.
As an electronics enthusiast, I decided to build my own hardware controller for the XR16. My goal is to create a rack-mounted device with physical knobs and buttons that can adjust volume levels, mute channels, and provide quick access to essential settings. The controller will connect to the XR16 via MIDI or OSC (Open Sound Control), so I can have physical controls for important functions instead of relying solely on a touchscreen.
I’ve made a start and can now send commands from an ESP32-S3 using the OSC protocol to adjust and receive fader positions. Over the coming period, I’ll experiment with using a rotary encoder, possibly with an LED ring, to control the faders more intuitively. Along the way, I’ll dive into the technical details, including circuit design, firmware development, and integration with the Behringer XR16.
I’ll share my progress here. Let me know if you have any ideas or suggestions!